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iWild: For more see iWild.org

Happy Cinco de Rhino!

That was the cheery greeting in my Inbox this morning, along with an invite by the International Rhino Foundation to give $5 to help deserving pachyderms. (I did, and it feels great!) Today we come to the close of Rhino Week and the last of our critically-Endangered All-Stars, the Javan Rhino. Built like a tank ( Read More 
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SOS Rhino

Sad news for Rhino-lovers: Ratu, a pregnant Sumatran Rhino in the care of Indonesia’s Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary suffered a miscarriage in April, crushing the hopes of conservationists. Once found throughout southeast Asia, today’s Endangered All-Star is now limited to six pockets on Borneo, Sumatra, and peninsular Malaysia. With only 200 left in the  Read More 
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